Emotional Freedom Technique


Mind. Body. Truth.

Using a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it has been referred to as acupuncture without the needles.

EFT uses a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Traditional Chinese Medicine.It has been referred to as acupuncture without the needles. By tapping on acupressure points, you activate energy channels while talking with the counselor about any particular area of mental or physical distress. The combined actions allow for emotional discharge and new perspectives or truths to emerge

An Integration of Acupuncture and Psychology

Engineer Gary Craig, developed this sequence to simplify the useful integration of acupuncture and psychology. The process itself can look and feel a little wild, but clients report dramatic results in a short time for long-standing issues and symptoms.

Clients report dramatic results in a short time for long-standing and symptoms.How does it work: It starts with identifying an area of your life that is presenting difficulty.

For example, maybe one is suffering from chronic back pain or a fear of public speaking.

Then, with the therapist, you will construct a sentence of words that name feelings and sensations associated with that problem and then how you would like to feel instead.

“Even though I get anxious and shaky and lose my voice when I speak publically, I am open to feeling calm, articulate, and clear.”The client will tap on the sequence of points while exploring the feelings and sensations in the body as well as the meaning the mind makes about this experience. The therapist may explore other questions like where the client has had similar feelings in their life.


For most of us, our life is a sum of our experience.

That is also true in our emotional and physical body. Difficult moments or memories can be stored in the body and according to TCM, can create blockages in the channels. We tap on the points while expressing and following how we feel so that we can both clear the old blocks and tone the nervous system or input new possibility.

It may seem strange to think of memory being something we can recode, but what we know in trauma resolution work is that the objective facts of memory such as the day your parent got divorced cannot be changed, but the emotional part of that memory is more malleable.

One of the most useful things about EFT is that it is easily teachable. Clients can continue to practice it on their own and adapt it over their lifetime for all kinds of subjects. They may even wish to teach it to their children for things like better sleep or exam anxiety.

I was a totally different person when I began this journey with Sarah. I was so lucky to meet a therapist who would lead with love. She follows the lead of your emotions as they come up and is so sensitive in the way she leads you to discover more of yourself. I never once felt pushed or forced to see things a certain way if I didn’t feel ready. I lacked self love and was so very hard on myself. My greatest take away since meeting her is that I have learned to walk with my inner critic and be soft with myself.