Fouloun Daffner

Fouloun Daffner

From business school to marketing and sales in the telecom industry, to certified yoga teacher to coach, Gaelle had a meandering life path that led her nonetheless to her true calling: counselling. Now that she holds a master’s in counselling with honors from Hong Kong University and supports clients worldwide, she is grateful for her eclectic background, a rich soil to grow into an empathic counsellor and to help embrace the multifaceted nature of reality.

A French native, Gaelle is fully bilingual in French and English having lived in England, the US and 16 years in Hong Kong with her Franco-American family. She has recently relocated to the South of France, where she continues to support online an international clientele of expatriates. 

Philosophically her work is rooted in ACT (Acceptance and Commitment therapy) for which she is continuously supervised.  She personally experiences the power of acceptance and value base living and have witnessed many times how it helps her clients get unstuck and find meaning. Over the years, her work also became informed with IFS (Internal Family system), Polyvagal Therapy and EMDR as she finds that they complement ACT in accessing the more emotional and intuitive self.As a counsellor she is often describe as energetic, supportive, intuitive and genuine (sometimes funny too).

Areas of Interest:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hyper sensibility
  • Eating disorder (adolescent)
  • Trauma
  • Life transition (young adults and adults)
  • Relationship crisis
  • Burnout
  • Couple therapy